I am life, body, psyche, a testament to the incredible healing power vested in humans and indeed all of creation. The psyche and body are hardwired to heal, to always seek equilibrium and homeostasis.

After a supercharged, massive onslaught of alcohol, recreational drugs and dangerous behaviour lasting just over a quarter of a century, I hit the wall and collapsed in a heap of blood, sweat, vomit, tears and pathetic-ness.

22 years later in 2022, sober and clean, I have launched Sober Cobra. Why, you ask? I have to do it, I don’t have a choice. It is the story of my life. It is why I am here. It is the answer to my own needs. You could call it my life’s mission. Everything else before this point has been a learning school preparing me for this undertaking.

The preceding 25 years were spent working with some of the best in the world in hospitality, restaurants, bars, nightclubs and the music industry. Having been a pioneer in the music industry in South Africa in the early ‘80s, and the organic, natural, wholefoods industry in South Africa, UK, South Korea, USA and Europe since 2003, I now bring you the groundbreaking Sober Cobra.

A company with the purpose of enhancing the enjoyment of life in a richly textured alcohol- and drug-free environment. Offering you the best of everything: drinks, food, music and events to get you high on life and drunk on spirit.

It’s more than a business, it’s an experience.

I wish you enough and only the best!

Rob Harrewyn

A company with the purpose of enhancing the enjoyment of life in a richly textured alcohol- and drug-free environment. SOBER COBRA STATEMENT